Tariff plans for companies.
Free |
Corporate |
Connection, ₽: |
0,- |
0,- |
Monthly maintenance, ₽: |
0,- |
10 000,- 1 |
Seller's commission for accepting payment,% of a successful payment: |
7.5 |
5.0 |
Minimum commission from the Seller for accepting payment, ₽: |
30,- |
20,- |
Recurrent payments for billing.paysto: |
Commissions paid by the Buyer: |
Bank cards VISA, MasterCard, MIR: |
0 % |
Yandex.Money: |
3,5 % |
4,5 % |
WebMoney: |
2,5 % |
MTS, Beeline, Megaphone, Tele2: |
5,5 % |
Bank transfer from an individual: |
0 % |
Bank transfer from legal entity: |
0 % |
Minimum amount of payment, ₽: |
50,00 |
30,00 |
Maximum amount of payment, ₽: |
50 000,00 |
150 000,00 |
Hold, working days: |
5 |
3 |
Payout: |
Bank transfer fee: |
5000,00 ₽/transfer 2 |
Maximum amount per payment: |
without limits |
without limits |
1 - the minimum payment period is 3 months;
2 - Transfer can be made in USD, EUR, CNY, UAH, KZT, BYR. Conversion is carried out at the rate of the bank, on the day of the application.
Article ID: 143, Created: August 22, 2018 at 2:07 PM, Modified: December 19, 2019 at 1:39 PM